Monday, 3 December 2007

Who's Santa and why does he want in my house????

So Maman and Papa took me to the community centre this Sunday to see this guys called Santa. Okay so what's up with me having to sit on his lap. He wants to come into my house and do what? Since when do we leave strangers into the house. Weird. Anyways, glad maman pulled me away from him quickly. By the way, hasn't anyone told him that it's not in fashion to match your pants to the color of your top. Whatever. His reputation, not mine. Other than the weird guy with the fake beard, I had so much fun running around following all the bigger kids. I can't wait until I can join at the craft table and get my face painted. Maman said we will go again next year. Hope no one invites red man.
Maman said I was her present this year, same as last but come on now, enough with the bows. Not funny.
Here is Maman and me before the encounter with the Santa dude. She does have an evil look in her smile. Bet she knew I would be upset by him. I still love you maman.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Without a computer

Maman et Papa ont amené l'ordinateur pour se faire réparé donc ca fait une couple de semaine que nous n'avons pas accès à la maison. Maman said it should be fixed soon so I will be able to post all my adventures once again. It's okay though as I have bene pretty low key since the last time I wrote....I mean Maman wrote on this blog. I got my first year shots....yahhhhh.....and then got sick. First it was pink eye, then it was fevers and an ear infection and throat infection. I had to take antibiotics for one full week. They were kinda yummy, tasted like bananas. But it made me not hungry and I slept and slept and slept. I made Maman miss a whole bunch of work but she said she didn't mind. I have to say, it was nice sleeping in her arms and having her sing to me and rub my hair. Maman always knows what to do. Then I got really high fevers again. Maman took me back to see Dr. Fisher but she said the infections were gone and that it was probably viral. Well turns out it was roseola. When my fevers were gone, then I got this silly rash all over. It wasn't ichy but just red all over. It was gone by Monday of this week and so I am back up to my normal silliness.

The last few nights, Maman and I have been having so much fun together. I was splashing in the tub last night and water was going all over Maman's face and she was giggling and so I started to giggle loud. We had fun. I also had a great day with Nana. She took me shopping around at Winners, Micheal's Craft Store and a few others. She bought me a fun airplane toy from Winners. I couldn't wait to show Maman when she got home.

Well that's it for now cause I have some more playing to do but I will write more early next week but won't post pictures until Maman and Papa get the camera back. Toodles.

Monday, 15 October 2007

J'ai un an

Wow, birthday's are fun. I got so many presents, so many kisses and hugs from people coming to visit me, and I got sugar. Chocolate cake twice in one week. Yummy. Here I am opening the gift from grandpa George and grandma Pam. I got a wheelbarrow.
Here I am eating my second cake. I had more fun playing with the icing then actually eating the cake.
Here I am eating the first cake I got which was on my actual birthday. It was a nice evening at home with just maman, papa and me. Maman made me a grilled cheese sandwiches cause she knows it's my favorite.
Merci matante Janet for the Annie Brocoli video. As soon as maman and papa buy a new DVD player, I will listen to it and dance dance dance.
Wow, so many gifts. Thank god my friend Noah was there to help me out cause it would have taken me forever and since he is now three, he has lots of experience in opening them up. Maybe one day I can help his little brother Adrian open his gifts.

Thank you everyone for the company and the presents. I am having so much fun with all of them.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Busy bees

Maman and papa have been quite the busy bees in the past few weeks. We all went to a wedding in Gananoque. It was my first stay in a hotel and it wasn't too shabby. I didn't sleep the second night but that was because I was secretly fed chocolate cake and whipped cream minutes before maman put me down. Then maman and papa got busy packing because this week was the big moving week. I also started this week with daycare. My sitter's name is Lydia and she is really nice. I get to play with Carol her daughter and a two year old boy named Jesse. They are fun to play with. Lydia took us to the park everyday and I got to sit in the front of the triple stroller.

We are now in our new house but I can't enjoy it fully because I am sick. Maman says it's a fever and she gave me some yukky tasting stuff but it made it go away. I will post pictures of the new house soon but here are some fun ones for now.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Hockey fan already

Maman took me to see papa play a hockey game at the Civic Centre. I have never seen a hockey game live and I have to say that it was lots of fun. I think I want to play like papa when I get bigger. I wish papa could play more often during the day so I could go and see him more often. Here are some pictures of me at the arena and yes those are Cheerios on my face. I accidently stuck one on my forehead and then maman thought it would be funny to add more.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Just more pics

Ah I am getting rides are soothing indeed...
Sleepier by the minute.....
Not sure I can fight it much longer....
I give up. Wake me when we get there....nite nite.

Sunday, 12 August 2007

One month

Well it's been one month since maman wrote on her blog. She that it's because she just hadn't put all the pictures on the computer yet and there's no point in writing without pictures. She said people want pictures. Well I like pictures too. In the last month, we have had lots happen, some good,.....some not so good. Here are a few pictures. I'll add more later but it only let maman add 5 pictures per blog entry. Up top, there I am playing in a basket with papa. Doesn't take much to amuse me.
Here I am sleeping in the stroller while walking Fender at Conroy Pit. Hey, in my defense, it was hot, i was being rocked and hey....I'm a baby. I can sleep where and when I want to.
Yup. I conquered the stairs. Mom was happy and sad. She said it just means I will have more means of running away from her soon. I would never....
There I am with matante Camille. We went to the cottage in Luskville. I went a few times and went swimming. This time it was a short visit. Maman was just driving Camille up so she could spend the week.

Well, that's it for now but I will make sure Maman puts more pictures up soon.

P.S. Je t'aime grand-maman!

Friday, 13 July 2007


So maman and papa took me camping for the very first time. We went to Silver Lake just outside of Perth and boy oh boy am I hooked. It was so much fun being in the tent although I couldn't sleep without being in maman's sleeping bag with her. She was nice and cozy. Next time I will ask to go straight there instead of the playpen but I am not sure she will go for that.
As you can see, Fender was in his element. He had fun staring at the chipmunks and the muskrat that came around.
With my toys, how could I not be a happy camper. I wasn't missing anything. Maman thought of everything, that's for sure.
Here is my first chipmunk. Maman and me were playing on my blanket while everyone else took a nap and we fed the chipmunk. He came so close I could almost touch him. One day maman said that I will be able to touch him and hand feed him...well maybe not him specifically but you know what I mean.

Monday, 2 July 2007


Don't touch my Cheerios!!!

All this picking up and chewing is making me sleepy!

Monday, 25 June 2007

My first wedding

Yes I went to my first wedding and maman said I behaved like an angel. I was getting a little tired near the end but it wasn't too long before I was back at home being fed by maman and then in my nice cozy crib. The wedding was for maman's cousin Dominique who was marrying Steve Chevalier. It was nice and she was pretty.
When your little like me, you can get away with not paying attention during these things. Papa walked me around and I was more interested in trying to climb the posts.
Maman looked pretty in her emerald green dress. I was looking pretty spiffy myself in my little argyle vest. Maman said I look like a prep school boy. What's school?

Sunday, 17 June 2007

My weekend in Mont-Tremblant (well Arundel really)

Boy oh boy did we ever have a great weekend in Mont-Tremblant. Well it's actually in Arundel that we were which is about 15 minutes from Mont-Tremblant. We were visiting with maman and papa's friends Eric and Christine. They also have 2 girls, Olivia and Charlotte. Olivia is 3 and a half and Charlotte is 3 months old. I had lots of fun with Olivia. She is much older than me but she taught me lots. She played with me, brought me my toys, helped maman change my diaper and lots more. In this first picture, maman was cooling me down from the heat by soaking cloth in cold water and putting all over me.
Here I am taking my first bath ever with a girl. Olivia helped scrub me all clean. Maman said that no more until I am married but I think I may do this again next time we visit.
Olivia and Charlotte have a doggie almost like our Fender. Her name is Bombay and she is silly. Below is a picture of my papa and me and Eric and little Charlotte and Father's Day. I can't wait until my next visit up there. When can we go back maman?

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

A love for summer

I love summer and the hot weather so far. I am having so much fun. I get to visit grand-maman and grand-papa and when I go over there and it's nice, we can play outside. Grand-papa will put up the parasols so I am well protected from the sun and I have some nice mats to put on the balcony and we can sit together.

Also, I went to Nana's for dinner and she had a little pool for me. It's my first time playing in an outdoor pool and boy oh boy was that also fun. The water was a little colder than the bath but it was equally fun to be wet. Maman made sure no ladies were checking me out because I was in my birthday suit and we all know I am pretty cute in that...Anyways, I am just glad that we have many more months of this nice weather because I have just begun to explore all the fun things I can do in the heat.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Game 5

This is how game 4 made me feel....let's hope it's not the same for game 5. I really want the Sens to win the Stanley Cup because if they don't, papa will be really sad and I don't want that. So all together now..."Go Sens Go! Go Sens Go!"

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Love weekends

I love weekends because papa is around and it means fun times with both maman and papa. Today we all went to Conroy Pit for a walk and it was fun. Fender has so much fun there. The bugs weren't too bad but maman came armed with her bug spray just in case. I can't have any on me because I am too young but she can spray some on herself and she did spray abit on my pants though. It was quite fun riding in the backpack on papa's back.
Fender got into a few mud puddles and laid right down in them. He was all wet and muddy. I guess papa will have to give him a bath when we get home.
When we headed to the Pit, it was actually my nap time so I got a quick one in on the ride there. Zzzzzzzzz
Well I know that Fender was the dirty one but I did get a bath too but only at the end of the day before my nap time. I am wearing maman's shower cap but just for fun. Don't I look cute?

Go Sens Go! Game 3 is in period 2 as maman writes this.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

A day in

So maman and I decided to stay in on Friday instead of going out and about like we usually do. We had so much fun. We basically just lounged around, played with some toys, sang some songs, took a nice nap together on the couch.
Here I am playing with my train that Nana bought we for christmas. It plays some songs and rolls on the ground.
When mommy and I woke up from our afternoon nap, the sky was dark and it started to rain really hard. There was loud thunder and lightning. I think I like storms like my mom does. It made the air smell fresh and the trees really green. I think mommy and me need to have more of these days in and not run around so much. It's nice to take it at a slower pace and enjoy each other.

By the way, I miss my matante Julie in Brazilia!!!!

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Deux mots

J'aime grand-maman.