Sunday, 12 August 2007

One month

Well it's been one month since maman wrote on her blog. She that it's because she just hadn't put all the pictures on the computer yet and there's no point in writing without pictures. She said people want pictures. Well I like pictures too. In the last month, we have had lots happen, some good,.....some not so good. Here are a few pictures. I'll add more later but it only let maman add 5 pictures per blog entry. Up top, there I am playing in a basket with papa. Doesn't take much to amuse me.
Here I am sleeping in the stroller while walking Fender at Conroy Pit. Hey, in my defense, it was hot, i was being rocked and hey....I'm a baby. I can sleep where and when I want to.
Yup. I conquered the stairs. Mom was happy and sad. She said it just means I will have more means of running away from her soon. I would never....
There I am with matante Camille. We went to the cottage in Luskville. I went a few times and went swimming. This time it was a short visit. Maman was just driving Camille up so she could spend the week.

Well, that's it for now but I will make sure Maman puts more pictures up soon.

P.S. Je t'aime grand-maman!

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