Tuesday, 30 April 2013

This life we are given

While at the bus stop this morning waiting for the kids to be off to school, I was told very briefly of a story by one of the moms there. Her friend at the age of 28 was diagnosed with the same cancer as me and underwent the same surgery and then a total hysterectomy as well as some treatments. Five years past and she is doing Iron Man competitions. Now seriously,  that is someone who was faced with a challenging time and came out of it stronger and more positive I imagine than she was before. She had not yet had children so that choice was also taken away from her and she came through it. WOW. You know what I call that? A Super Woman. They are everywhere and they inspire me.

We don't choose the challenges we end up facing in life, well for the most part anyway, but with hard work, a whole lot of heart, and support from family and friends, we can overcome most of them. And when we come out at the end, we find ourselves stronger. Those challenges make us who we are. Would I rather not be faced with this challenge? Well that's a silly question...but what I do know is that the Adèle that will come out of it at the end will be the same Adèle as I am now, with a tad more pride, a lot healthier, more strength and a bit more of a feeling that I CAN handle much more than I ever thought possible. Like every single person on this earth, I have already gone through many rock bottom moments, situations I wish I could somehow erase from my past. But in a way, had those situations not happened, I would not be who I am today. And I am quite proud of who I have become. My mom was proud and I am sure continues to be proud as she looks down on me and smiles. My father is proud and I see it in his smile every time he is over and I felt it in his touch as he squeezed my hand before surgery. My sisters are proud.

I know this won't be the last challenge that will come my way in life. There will be many more as I grow old and grey (and yes you aren't rid of me for a long while....I will be old, grey, and possibly start wearing moo-moos one day). And in future challenges I will allow myself the time to be sad, have a few moments of self-pity, cry some, then pull up my sock and head forward with my head held high and know that I WILL come out of it.
For those wanting the recovery update, I am doing great. I have moments of cramping, weakness, a tad bit of dizziness but overall am quite good. Note to self: stay on top of pain medication plan. Forgoing them on day two of recovery is NOT a good idea. I had a great team of helpers (thank you to my sisters Camille, Manon, Julie, to my handsome husband Randy, my wonderful father Simon and his spouse Sandy). I know I am stubborn and have a hard time of letting go of my household duties and chores, but know that I didn't push myself too much and that moving around a bit did help in my recovery. I will pull back when I need it and I am getting better at asking for help don't you think? Yes? Argh, OK, I still need help in that department.

So tomorrow is back to work - business as usual...with a bit more pain and medication. I am relunctant to head back so soon cause it's not just the body that needs adjusting to this situation but the brain, but quite excited to head back and feel 'normal', feel like part of the team and touch base with my great team at work. Essentially heading back to work is heading to a group of friends where I feel supported, watched over and loved.

Ready or not, here I come.

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