Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The deets....

The details are that I have cervical cancer, microinvasive carcinoma I think is the term the doctor used. I’m quite proud to say that it is caught early.  EARLY. That is the magic of this situation, if you can see anything magic about this. (Go out and get your Pap tests ladies)

I will be having 2 surgeries, the first one being this Thursday, April 25th at the General Hospital. It’s called a cone biopsy. It’s a day surgery, so in and out the same day.  In some cases, this procedure can actually end up removing all of the cancerous tissue and nothing more is needed in terms of treatment. From what the doctors can tell at this point, they don't think I will need any radiation or other treatments. Because of some other issues I have been having thet last few years, I already know that I will need the second surgery which is a hysterectomy. Depending on results from this week’s biopsy, the hysterectomy could be performed in a less invasive way (as opposed to a radical hysterectomy) therefore resulting with quicker recovery period. I won’t go into details about the surgeries themselves (Google can do that for me) but I am at a point where I am feeling at peace with needing these procedures and looking forward to them. I know that once this is behind me and that I can get back to my regular exercise regime, will feel better, have a healthier life and live to be old, grey and quite happily wrinkled.

I’m not going to lie, of course the part about going under the knife scares the poopers out of me, more so the being put to sleep but it is done all the time and most that I have spoken to so far, actually liked it. We shall see. The idea of not having any control kinda freaks me out but I know that I will be in good hands. Here is a fact that at first weirded me out but is strangely bringing me comfort now – the surgeon that will be doing my surgery this week is the same surgeon that did my mom’s surgery five and a half years ago. So I’ve met her before and for me, putting a face to a name comforts me.

So for now, I’ll leave it at the following -  I am good, I am calm, I am positive, I am happy this was found early

Hugs all.

. I’ll touch base after surgery day. Wish me luck and send the positive vibes my way on Thursday am.

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