Saturday, 28 December 2013

Reflections of a year

As I approach the new year, I can't help but think of the last 12 months, and of all the moments during those months that have changed me in ways that I did not think were even possible and that I don't' even realize yet. There were astronomically challenging moments, but what comes to mind the most are all the precious, beautiful, loving, happy moments that I have had this past year. As much as the challenging moment stands large in my memory and will continue to be a big part of me, I will jump forward into 2014 focusing on the good moments and trust that this new year will bring more of those than not.

This past year, I got cancer. Above that, I beat cancer.

This past year, I lost my fertility. Above that, I gained many many years of living.

This past year, I shed too many tears. Above that, I came out of those tears from laughter brought on by my friends and family.

This past year, I was in and out of medical appointments, met many specialists and have had way too many (at times quite painful) tests. Above that, I was in the care of a team of doctors, nurses, medical staff that I know are the best of the best. I was listened too, was given their patience when bombarded with all my questions (and trust me there were many), and never did I feel unimportant to them.

This past year, I underwent two surgeries, one being a major one that left me for days not being able to care for my basic needs. Above that, I was in the hands of love, help and trust of many but more so of my lovely and brave sister Camille who went above and beyond to make sure I was as cared for as I could be, even putting to the side her own needs for weeks.

This past year, I had weeks of not standing up to my role of being mother and home keeper. Above that, I was reminded exactly what a superhero my husband is and how he would go to the ends of the earth for me and our little family and making sure we are well, loved and provided for during the darkest of days.

This past year I started a new job. With everything going on from almost the start of this new job, I was able to function to some level, achieve some successes and make a certain mark that I can say I am proud of, even through my numerous absences. I was supported by my co-workers and backed-up many a day. So thankful I am to all of them. Without that support and understanding, there would have been many added stresses.

This past year I was reminded that what is important in life are not the things you surround yourself with, the material things but by the people that surround you. Without your friends, family and all around good people, you are missing the big piece. You could have all the money in the world, the greatest and richest items, the bigger house with all the trinkets but you would still find yourself alone and in a dark place. Because I had the love and support of countless people, I felt like the richest person alive. I felt full, complete, loved, happy, lucky. I can't say I have ever been a person who takes things for granted but this past year has reminded me more about how we need to be appreciative of all we have, especially our health. Life can change on you in a single flashing moment and then you could be brought to a place of regret, sadness, loneliness and fear.

So with this new year beaming down on you, and I will do the same, I challenge you to look around. Really look around you, at the those around you and see how very lucky you are. Cherish your friends. Laugh with them. Bail out on your cleaning and chores to have a cup of coffee with an old friend and catch up. When with your family or friends, take a moment to tell them how much fuller they make your life. Tell them how much you love them. Hug them. You have no idea the impact that will have on their lives. Let go of that last load of laundry and go down on the floor with your child and play a game of their choice. Laugh with them and see and share their joy and wonder and innocence. If you find your pet on your couch when they aren't supposed to be, let them stay a moment and join them. Go scratch their belly and pet them and feel the warmth it brings to your heart. Know that it is doing the same for them. You can deal with the hair on the cushions later. Look at the big picture. Does it matter that you have some doggie hairs on your pants? Does it?