I have my reasons for not having updated this blog in a while and most of you already know it anyways. My mother passed away after a one year battle with ovarian and peritoneal cancer. Some fights were won and some were not. Ultimately, I just don't know what to say or how to proceed in this life without my mom. I know we all end with death but never did the thought occur me to think that my mother would leave us so soon. I imagined being an old lady myself with my mother by my side. As well, I have to admit that this blog was mostly written for her as she enjoyed checking it on a weekly basis to see what her grandson was up to. I will do my best in keeping this updated anyways as I know it also makes a great place for memories to be stored and fun times not forgotten.
With all the sadness that my family and I have had lately, there is also much happiness. The big one for me of course if the much awaited birth of my daughter, Sophie Ginette. She is due November 27th and I am already so much in love with her as much as I am with Julian. The second exciting item is the marriage of my older sister Julie to a fabulous lady named Holly. We can't wait until they are both living closer to us so we can spend lots of time with them and get to know our new sister-in-law more. Congrats ladies. Julie is currently on a posting in Congo for two years. It's far but we get regular updates from her adventures. I just can't wait until she gets internet at home to be more in touch and see pictures to her surroundings.
Anyways, it just feels weird writing now after all we have been through but I promise, I will make more of an effort and especially with Sophie on her way soon so those far away can stay updated and see pictures.
Thanks for being patient and understanding.