So i've told Maman it's absolutely time we update this blog. There is so much to tell. Not only am I speaking arabic but I let maman know when I pee and I will also be a big brother come November this year. That's he/her picture above. Maman said on June 30th we will find out if I will have a brother or a sister. I just can't wait to have more company in the house. I will have so much to tell them and show them.

I our last blog, maman was telling you all how I can eat my yogurt alone now. Well that's me with my yogurt beard. I am much cleaner now though. That was three months ago.

This is also me back when bathtime was fun. I don't like it so much anymore. I am not sure exactly why but I think I would much rather run around the house then be confined in the tub and wet. It frustrates maman and papa because they used to find it easy to bathe me and now I just cry.

On easter, we went to visit with grand-maman jeannette and grand-papa Donat and I was looking pretty fine if I do say so myself. A little tie and everything.
So Maman has been feeling pretty yukky and she says it the baby making her sick to her tummy. She said i did it too but not as bad and that it will go away. I wonder if my sister or brother is kicking maman so it hurts. It must be hot in there and they must want to come out and play with me. Maman says in good time they will be ready to come and play. I can't wait.
I will try to tell Maman not to wait so long before writing more next time but I do tend to keep her pretty busy.