Friday, 9 November 2007

Without a computer

Maman et Papa ont amené l'ordinateur pour se faire réparé donc ca fait une couple de semaine que nous n'avons pas accès à la maison. Maman said it should be fixed soon so I will be able to post all my adventures once again. It's okay though as I have bene pretty low key since the last time I wrote....I mean Maman wrote on this blog. I got my first year shots....yahhhhh.....and then got sick. First it was pink eye, then it was fevers and an ear infection and throat infection. I had to take antibiotics for one full week. They were kinda yummy, tasted like bananas. But it made me not hungry and I slept and slept and slept. I made Maman miss a whole bunch of work but she said she didn't mind. I have to say, it was nice sleeping in her arms and having her sing to me and rub my hair. Maman always knows what to do. Then I got really high fevers again. Maman took me back to see Dr. Fisher but she said the infections were gone and that it was probably viral. Well turns out it was roseola. When my fevers were gone, then I got this silly rash all over. It wasn't ichy but just red all over. It was gone by Monday of this week and so I am back up to my normal silliness.

The last few nights, Maman and I have been having so much fun together. I was splashing in the tub last night and water was going all over Maman's face and she was giggling and so I started to giggle loud. We had fun. I also had a great day with Nana. She took me shopping around at Winners, Micheal's Craft Store and a few others. She bought me a fun airplane toy from Winners. I couldn't wait to show Maman when she got home.

Well that's it for now cause I have some more playing to do but I will write more early next week but won't post pictures until Maman and Papa get the camera back. Toodles.